
Glucosamine increases the concentration of proteoglycans in cartilage and the synovial membrane which produces the fluid lubricating the joints.

omega 6

Omega 6 fatty acids assist the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K as well as keeping a dog’s coat healthy and shiny.

4kg Dog Food

9% Fat, 21% Protein, Immune Booster. Omega 3 & 6Top Quality Meats, including Chicken, are…

8kg Dog Food

9% Fat, 21% Protein, Immune Booster. Omega 3 & 6Top Quality Meats, including Chicken, are…

25kg Dog Food

9% Fat, 21% Protein, Immune Booster. Omega 3 & 6Top Quality Meats, including Chicken, are…